Monday, April 6, 2009

interview with gaz,co-owner of brutal existence radio,and dj for ungovernable resistance.nterview with gaz,co-owner of brutal existence radio,dj/host

brutal hails one and all!! here is another new interview i got today!! this time it is with another good friend and true d..i.y supporter!! gaz.some of you might now gaz from his radio show decapitating the masses {first on open grave radio,then on brutal existence which he co-owns.}

gaz decided to change the name of the show to "ungovernable resistance" the name might have changed.but i promise you gaz has not!! he still supports/spreads the brutal death,grind,gore metal like always but also does a 2nd show for more brutal d.i.y old-school punk/hardcore.well just read the interview for all the details.and like gaz says in the interview "don't tune-in if easily offended" GAZ IS NOT A ROCKSTAR OR ATTIUDE.BUT ALSO IS NOT AFRAID TO SPEAK HIS MIND.which i personally as a old-school metal head respect alot.and so should you!!

enjoy and support all things metal!!!

patrick and morbid minds web-zine.

interview with gaz,co-owner of brutal existence radio,dj/host for decapitating the masses,and bottle of piss.done by patrick.

1.metal hails brother! how has your week been going? please tell the readers a little about yourself.

I’m doing sound thx mate, but Decapitating The Masses & Bottle of Piss no longer exist lol, but I’ll explain about that at the end of the interview.

Not much to tell really I’m 26 & escaped out of a mental asylum a few years ago and am still on the run from the authorities to this day. Even the other patients were offended by my rants so I suppose I have done them a valuable service in a way. Oh I happen to do a couple of radio shows and run brutal existence radio when I’m not in the local police station. what age did you discover metal? who were some of the first bands you listened to? what about in the current scene who are some of your favorite bands?

Metal has always been around me even when I was a little kid or when I was a young sperm swimming in our Dad’s sack. I grew up hearing my Dad play punk/hardcore and my Mum blasting out NWOBHM, 70s metal, rock etc so don’t think I ever had a choice not to be some sort of metaler. So I suppose the first bands I listened to or heard to be more accurate were the Sex Pistols, Discharge, GBH, Crass, Motorhead, Metallica (I hate them), Anthrax (fuck off Joey), Exodus, Destruction, Slammer, Napalm Death, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and Judas Priest. So a real mixture as my parents were a bit different in tastes one being metal/rock the other punk/hc. Punk mixed in with the usual metal shite then eh lol. My mother played some terrible cock rock shite as well. Fucking hell mate I’m not bringing that memory back lol. Fucking sweaty bollock shite as we call it here lol.

First bands that I listened to were most of the above as I was being spoon fed those bands and I later moved on to Slayer, Kreator, Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, Extreme Noise Terror and gradually sought out nastier and heavier music which I still do to this day.

Napalm Death, Abominable Putridly, Deranged (now split up, sighs), Dying Fetus, Mastabah, Poppy Seed Grinder, Visceral Bleeding, Kataplexia, Cripple Bastards, Gore, Rotten Sound, Siege of Hate, Tools of the Trade (good far eastern grind), Skitsystem, Extinction of Mankind, Seitan, Abysmal Torment, Sotajumala, Stormcrow, Ruin (D-beat), Driller Killer. You get the idea just nastiness and I’d be here until the 42nd century if I was to name every band lol.

3.well we have quite a bit to cover so i guess i will start with brutal existence radio.when did you decide to start up the station? how did you all come up with the name? We haven’t been around that long actually and we started in late December last year. The station was created after the closure of Open Grave Radio and we just wanted to see if we could have a go at our own project. Believe it or not the name took a long time for us to come up with and we went through a ridiculous amount of possible alternatives. I can’t even remember how we decided on ‘Brutal Existence’ lol.

4.for the readers who don't know your co-owner is did you two meet? i know you live in the u.k and fowler in the u.s does this make it difficult to work on station business at all?

We were both djs on the former Open Grave Radio station.

Not really and it allows two people to bring something different to the station which is a good thing.

5. the station has only been up and running for a few months now.but already you seem to have a good solid station with some kick ass shows/dj's. can you please tell the readers a little about the shows and what styles they cover/play etc..

Ungovernable Resistance which is my new show that replaces DTM & BOP (Brutal DM/Grindcore/Goregrind/Porngrind/DM on Wednesday’s/Friday’s) and on Saturday editions (D-Beat/Crust/Punk/Crossover/HC), The Murdershack (Brutal DM/Power Violence/Punk/Grind and if Goat is stoned to fuck sometimes Sludge/Doom), Journeys Through The Black Abyss (Black Metal/Depressive BM/Tuesday editions) & Thrash (Thursday editions), The Incinerator (Sludge/Doom/Death/Grind/Thrash & sometimes other styles), Audio Aggression (Variety metal with a strong thrash emphasis), The Coroner’s Office (Variety metal with a strong black metal emphasis), Crestfallen (Doom/Sludge), The Thrash Can (Thrash, Death Thrash, Old school dm), Brutalism Pod Cast (Variety metal), Ye Olde Metal Shoppe Pod Cast (Variety metal), The Inbox (submission based airplay show), Random metal and fuck knows what else lol

6.well besides being co-owner one of the shows you are d.j for is "decapitating the masses".when did you first get the idea to start up this show? how did you come up with the name for the show?

I wanted to dj in clubs, but unless you play mainstream shite or the same over played songs you cannot get a break so Internet djaying was the next best route. Took me a good 6 months to decide if I wanted to do it lol. I wanted to play music I was passionate about and give people a show that would be as honest as possible, which many don’t like, but I don’t care I have my own set of beliefs and ways. Rofl I came up with the name during a night out with my mates on the piss. One of our friends was sat suffering all night at the amount of commercial and generic shite that was being played in a club. The dance floor was full of fucking comb over cock nozzlers spazzing out to fucking Converge, Dillinger Escape Plan and terrible mainstream wank. My mate said ‘for fucksake don’t you wish something would come on semi moshable that would clear the dance floor?” To which I replied, “Aye I could do with some Wolverine claws & I’d go on the dance floor and decapitate the mainstream masses”. So I adapted the name into my show.

7.for the readers who have never heard the show. what styles of metal do you play/support?
if any bands/labels are interested in airplay where can they send cd's,cdr's or mp3's etc.?

Wed/Friday editions of Ungovernable Resistance plays – slam, brutal dm, goregrind, porngrind, grindcore, sometimes old school dm. Saturday editions of Ungovernable Resistance plays D-Beat/Crust/Punk/Crossover & a little hardcore.

Just email ‘’. I don’t like playing things that sound like old nana’s having a piss.

LOL I wouldn’t tune in if easily offended or cannot handle a different culture and someone that will speak out against subjects he doesn’t agree with or like.

Generally mate its just uncensored madness with a soundtrack to match.

8.what do you think is the easiest part and the hardest part about doing a internet radio show? do you have any advice to someone reading this who might be interested in trying it?

Staying sober. Remembering shout outs. Finding the time as it can be difficult to balance everything in accordance. My advice is this: - Do it your own way, own style, be your self and be honest. Keep it DIY in every aspect of the word. your opinion what is the best and worst thing about the underground today? and what does the therm "metal underground" mean to you?

Death metal gangs generally do the scene more harm than good with their political bull shite, rock star egos, people taking advantage of the real DIY people out there who work their arses off for fuck all and ya don’t even get a thank you in return for helping them. I have experienced and heard about this a lot from other people and that attitude’s fucking bang out.

However, meeting like-minded people such as you who are in this for the right reasons and the real DIY people out there are the ones who make it worthwhile and if it weren’t for them I probably wouldn’t bother.

I actually the term ‘underground’ is starting to irritate me as it has become the new fashion word that gets thrown around all over the place and now it used as a cool statement to advertise/say. For me there is an underground that thinks it’s the creative centre point of the whole scene, but if you investigate and find out for your self who the genuine people are then this is where the real ‘underground’ exists. Always look beneath the surface my friends.

It doesn’t really mean anything to me Patrick as I don’t think about it or class myself as part of the ‘underground’. Getting off ya own backside or DIY are more relevant to me as helping out the real people for the love of the music and undertaking things in my own way are what’s it about. live in the u.k and i know a few bands from your country but not to many. so i was interested in your opinion on the metal scene in your country/area?

The North East scene is small and we have a few cross county gigs with bands from Scotland as our area is very close to Scotland. We have a small death fest, but I don’t rate it much due to most of the bands sounding a bit too scene or close to death core shite for me. There is an u/g punk and hardcore scene that holds the DIY values and old punk ethics close to heart so that’s a good thing. There isn’t really any death metal in this area and the odd one or two bands that are here have no competition so I think they get overrated too easily.

The North West has some great crust/d-beat bands like Doom/Extinction of Mankind, and Ruin (based in Glasgow as well). ‘Active Minds’ are a good hardcore band that is from the North Yorkshire coast area, which isn’t that far away from the North East. So it’s safe to say that across the North and in Scotland we hold on to the traditional values strongly and have a healthy crust/d-beat scene.

The UK has a strong DIY culture and unique style, which dates back to the punk days. I also believe in these values fiercely and am an advocate for embarking upon ventures in ya own way and style regardless of where you are from.

As for the whole of the UK it depends on which area you live in. Bournemouth, which is way down south has a good punk scene and the midlands has spawned many great bands over the years such as Napalm Death, Bolt Thrower, Sacrilege, Benediction, Police Bastard, Sarpanitum. I’d be here all day if I listed all the punk/hc bands from the UK both old and new as there are still many great punk bands that people are not aware of and its as real and dirty as its always been.

Thrash is making a resurrgence again, but outside of the UK people only ever hear of Evile and Warpath, which we view as pretty commercial here and are sick to death of hearing about them. There are far better unknown thrash bands in the UK that don’t even get half the attention they do.

Those two bands don’t even come close to the older bands like Acid Reign, Sabbat, Pariah, Slammer, DAM and that’s a widely held view. Pitiful Reign are a good UK thrash band that people don’t hear anything of outside the UK.

I’m not keen on some of the new UK death metal bands as they sound too much like core shite or a bit too scene for me, but there are some good bands like Amputated, Desecration (been around for ages now), Corpsing, and up North as I mentioned we have tons of great crust/d-beat bands.

So to conclude I think overall we have an established small and close-knit scene that likes just to get on with it and undertake things in its own way, which is the culture and the manner in which we enjoy doing things here.

11.who are some of your favorite bands? are there any new up and coming bands you think the underground readers should keep a eye on?

Napalm Death, Discharge, Abysmal Torment, Mental Killing Spree, Doom, Deranged, Bolt Thrower, Skitsystem. I’d be all day if I tried to name them all lol.

Some bands people should keep an eye on include: Mental Killing Spree, Meinhof, Seitan, Ruin, Sapremia (been around a while but not that well known over here), and Necropsy.

12.besides decapitating the masses. you also run a second radio show on b.e.r called "bottle of piss". when did you decide to start up this second show? how did you choose the name?

I started the show a few months ago and as readers will probably pick up that I like quite a bit of punk/d-beat/crust/old hc/crossover, which is kind of law in the UK. If you don’t like some form of punk and ya British then there is something wrong! So I wanted to air a lot of this great music for people and it’s surprising how many people don’t know about d-beat and crust, plus its fucking class! LOL The name well I just thought of a regular night out down the town. You can always see tons of bottles in an alley that are full of piss. Therefore, it was pretty easy lol. Also it goes with that dirty, nasty, seedy vibe we like to put on our music here especially in our punk etc. I wanted people to hear a right fucking smelly, dirty, piss stinking show playing fucking filth and vileness. would you say this show is different from decapitating the masses? what styles of metal/music do you play/promote?

See above, but just in case no fucker could be arsed reading it – punk/hc/crossover/crust/d-beat

14.i know besides metal you are a fan of extreme sports espically hockey. when did you get into sports? who are some of your favorite teams? besides hockey do you have any other sports you enjoy watching/playing?

I got into sports when I was little kid and outside of music this is my next greatest passion. I just love playing them and being active. I get bored too easily if I’m sat about doing piss all. My favourite ice hockey team are the Leafs and yes I know we are shite, blah blah lol, but I like them. I also like the Washington Capitals as I’m a big fan of Alexander Ovechkin and I like the way the team plays as well. There are other sports I enjoy as well, but mainly extreme sports like inline skating, falling on the floor to mosh, bouncy castle wars (its fucking great pitting in one of them), I enjoy the X Games, and Formula One Motor Racing. I enjoy footy as well and some of my favourite teams are Liverpool, Rangers, Lyon, and Juventus. LOL A few of our local teams are terrible at the moment so I’m not mentioning them.

15.well brother thanks alot for taking the time to fill out this interview.good luck to you and your future {both in and out of the underground} do you have any final words for the readers?

Aye ya metal bastard I do! Lol

Since completing this interview I have killed the DTM and BOP name and am operating all my broadcasts under the title of ‘Ungovernable Resistance’. The formats and times for each broadcast remain the same, but I felt a change was needed to reflect my personal beliefs. My shows have always had a mainly DIY/European audience so I want to make my broadcasts dedicated for the European and international DIY scene around the world that I feel is largely ignored. Uncensored madness and general hooliganism will still remain a part of the shows.

I also want to thank the listeners who have supported my shows since they began and continue to do so. The broadcasts are for you guys and I always try to be honest with all of you.

A big thanks to Sapremia, Mental Killing Spree, Necropsy and all the bands that have helped me since I started djaying. I’d be here for about 5 billion years if I mentioned you all, but you guys know who you are and thank you!!!

Finally thanks Patrick ya metal bastard and keeping throwing nasty smelly piss at people


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